Missouri, Kansas Congressional Delegation Members Welcome USDA Site Selection Announcement

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Today U.S. Senators Josh Hawley (Mo.), Roy Blunt (Mo.), Pat Roberts (Kan.), and Jerry Moran (Kan.), and U.S. Representatives Emanuel Cleaver, II (Mo.), Sam Graves (Mo.), Vicky Hartzler (Mo.), Sharice Davids (Kan.), Ron Estes (Kan.), Roger Marshall (Kan.), and Steve Watkins (Kan.), along with Missouri Governor Mike Parson and Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas, welcomed the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s announcement that 805 Pennsylvania Avenue in downtown Kansas City, Mo., has been selected as the site for the Economic Research Service and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Sen. Hawley said, “Moving these agencies to the heartland will help policymakers better collaborate with the ag community they serve. The Kansas City region is home to some of the hardest working farmers and ranchers in the country and is a great place to raise a family. Today’s announcement ensures that Missouri ag will continue to be a leader in feeding the world for years to come.”

“This is a great day for the entire Kansas City region,” said Sen. Blunt. “I’ve been proud to advocate for the USDA move and finalizing the site selection marks a huge step forward. Bringing these two important ag research agencies closer to the people they serve and the leading research institutions that support their mission is the right move. There are tremendous opportunities and challenges ahead for the U.S. ag industry. In farm states like ours, ERS and NIFA can have a big impact on how farmers and ranchers operate every day and how they’ll move into the future. We’re glad to have them joining the more than 5,000 USDA employees and contractors who already call our area home. I look forward to continuing to work with my congressional colleagues, Secretary Perdue, Governor Parson, Mayor Lucas, and local officials and stakeholders to make this move a success.”

“There is no better place to locate these agencies than the heartland of America. Kansas City, Missouri is a great location for the important work that the researchers at ERS and NIFA do every day—given its proximity to some of our Nation’s leading agricultural research universities and the outstanding economic value and quality of life that the area offers,” said Rep. Graves. “I’m thrilled that the Trump Administration has chosen to make this move and look forward to the continued success of these agencies which will now work much closer to the people they serve.”

“Kansas City’s selection as the new location for the Economic Research Service (ERS) and National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) is exciting news for the region,” said Sen. Roberts. “I am glad to see USDA recognizing all the rich resources the heartland provides. With the National Bio and Agro-defense (NBAF) facility, the crucial research occurring throughout the KC Animal Health Corridor and Kansas’ school system and job market nearby for the families of the employees, both Kansas and Missouri will reap the benefits of this relocation. There are already several other USDA agencies in the area currently working with stakeholders, and I am committed to ensuring the agricultural research that will occur at this new location will not only benefit the employees, but the agriculture community nationwide.”

“I’ve long advocated that USDA’s ERS and NIFA relocate to the Kansas City metropolitan area, knowing that regardless of what side of the border these facilities would land, it would be a positive development for the regional economy and so many institutions across Kansas and Missouri,” said Sen. Moran. “I applaud the many entities across Kansas City who have worked to bring these agencies closer to the producers they serve. In addition, I’m committed to working with my colleagues in a bipartisan, bicameral way to secure the resources necessary for USDA to complete this move and to welcome their employees to Kansas City.”

“I am pleased to welcome the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) offices of Economic Research Service (ERS) and National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to Missouri’s Fifth Congressional District. Together these institutions and their employees will bolster the agricultural research sector in the Greater Kansas City region to the benefit of the entire nation. A move like this is never easy on employees or their families; however, as the Congressional Representative from Kansas City, I can assure you that Kansas Citians stand ready to make your transition as seamless as possible. We are ecstatic to have you here, and we look forward to your commendable research continuing in the Show-Me state,” said Rep. Cleaver.

“There is no better place to locate these agencies than the heartland of America. Kansas City, Missouri is a great location for the important work that the researchers at ERS and NIFA do every day—given its proximity to some of our Nation’s leading agricultural research universities and the outstanding economic value and quality of life that the area offers,” said Rep. Graves. “I’m thrilled that the Trump Administration has chosen to make this move and look forward to the continued success of these agencies which will now work much closer to the people they serve.”

“I’m thrilled that the Department of Agriculture has chosen Missouri to host the ERS and NIFA. Missouri is once again showing that it is open for business, welcoming these important agencies with a qualified workforce, lower costs of living, and a business climate that allows for families to thrive. I am honored to have been a part of this process and am excited to welcome them to the Heartland,” Rep. Hartzler said.

“I’m pleased to join the Kansas and Missouri delegations in welcoming these USDA facilities to the Kansas City Metro,” said Rep. Davids. “Regardless of which side of the state line these facilities fall on, this move benefits our region as a whole, and positions these facilities closer to the people they serve. It also benefits the USDA, as our region has a wealth of institutional knowledge about the critical issues and opportunities facing our agricultural community. I will continue to work with my colleagues, as well as Secretary Perdue and his staff, to ensure a smooth transition for our newest Kansas City residents.”

“I joined my colleagues from Kansas and Missouri in advocating for locating the Agriculture Department’s ERS and NIFA in Kansas City because it is great news for our entire region,” said Rep. Estes. “In addition to new jobs for our region, this move brings vital agencies within the USDA closer to farmers, ranchers and producers in the heartland and shows a commitment by the Trump administration to hearing from voices beyond the Washington beltway. I congratulate Kansas City’s selection and look forward to supporting this transition in Congress.”

“I want to applaud USDA for all their efforts in bringing NIFA and ERS to the heartland. This announcement is welcome news and will be great for Kansas, Missouri, and the entire country,” said Rep. Marshall. “I look forward to working with my colleagues in both chambers and on both sides of the aisle to continue to support the relocation in any way that we can.” 

“This is an exciting day for the heartland,” said Rep. Watkins. “The USDA’s ERS and NIFA move to Kansas City area is a win-win. Being located in our nation’s animal health corridor will provide many advantages to the ERS and NIFA. Our region will benefit from the hundreds of high paying employees that will come with this move. I applaud President Trump and his administration and look forward to building on this momentum.  This is only the beginning.”

“We are thrilled that the USDA is moving its ERS and NIFA agencies to the heartland, closer to the hardworking farmers they serve,” Governor Mike Parson said. “We appreciate the commitment and support of Secretary Perdue, Senator Blunt, and the large Kansas City coalition, including Kansas Governor Laura Kelly, to grow and strengthen the entire Kansas City region. USDA’s investment will benefit both Missouri and Kansas for years to come.”

“I am pleased that after months of bipartisan regional efforts, Kansas City has been selected to house USDA’s ERS and NIFA agencies,” said Mayor Lucas. “As an essential part of the animal health corridor, and with several high-caliber research universities and institutions nearby, I know that our regional workforce stands ready to assist these agencies in their vital research efforts. I look forward to welcoming these employees to Kansas City.”
