Hawley Speaks on Continued Need for Direct Relief for Working Americans

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) spoke on the Senate floor regarding proposed direct payments of $600 per person and $600 per child in Congress’s proposed Covid relief package, which he called “hardly adequate.” Senator Hawley criticized plans to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on things like the World Health Organization and the Export-Import Bank before giving anything to working Americans.

Senator Hawley said, “So, the work that we’re going to do today—and I hope to see a vote on this floor yet today on this relief—it is a step, a step in the right direction, but it is only a step. And I hope that it will be the beginning, Mr. President, of a better approach. The beginning of actually putting working Americans first, putting their needs, putting their independence, putting their strength, their families, their communities first. That ought to be the economic policy of this nation. That ought to be the economic policy of this body. And I can assure you that is the foundation on which economic recovery will be built, because it’s the working people of this nation who powered the American economy.”
