Senator Hawley Announces 15 Amendments to Democrats’ Far-Left Budget, Calls to Pass Parent Tax Credit, Hire More Police, and Reopen Schools

Monday, August 09, 2021

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) announced he will introduce 15 amendments to the Democrats’ newly-proposed $3.5 trillion budget resolution for Fiscal Year 2022. Senator Hawley’s amendments would allow for the hiring of 100,000 new police officers, restrict federal funding for K-12 schools that refuse to fully reopen, fight back against critical race theory, and protect the unborn.

Passage of the budget resolution will trigger a reconciliation process, which Senate Democrats have announced will include numerous far-left priorities.

Senator Hawley said, “The Democratic Party is attempting to pass what could be the most radical left-wing legislation this country has ever seen—and they’re rushing it through Congress, hoping no one notices. Joe Biden and his allies in the Senate want to ram through a multi-trillion-dollar budget that lays the groundwork for their far-left agenda, like amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants, the Green New Deal, and a sweeping takeover of the American family by the federal government. The Senate is not just a rubber stamp for this kind of insanity. I will make sure that my colleagues lining up to support this agenda are held accountable.”

Senator Hawley previously called for the budget resolution for Fiscal Year 2021 to end offshoring by multinational corporations and ban Big Tech mergers and acquisitions.


Senator Hawley’s amendments would:

  • Allow for the hiring of 100,000 new police officers to combat the growing crime wave in the United States. 
  • Ban critical race theory in federal workplace diversity training.
  • Promote patriotic education in K-12 schools and teach students to love America.
  • Create a parent tax credit for working families that includes a work requirement and a marriage bonus of 100 percent.
  • Prohibit legislation that establishes government-run universal prekindergarten.
  • Prohibit legislation that establishes government-run universal childcare.
  • Protect the Hyde Amendment. 
  • Protect the Weldon Amendment, conscience rights protections that prevent healthcare providers from being forced to perform or refer for abortions.
  • Protect conscience rights by preventing healthcare providers from being forced to perform, provide, or refer for gender transition or reassignment surgeries, procedures, or medications.
  • Restrict federal funding for K-12 schools that do not resume in-person instruction.
  • Restrict federal funding for K-12 schools that mandate COVID-19 vaccines for students.
  • Restrict federal funding for K-12 schools that mandate students wear masks.
  • Defund the World Trade Organization.
  • Ensure American taxpayer-funded research stays in America and is not exploited by the Chinese Communist Party.
  • Deliver additional mental health resources to rural areas.