Hawley Resolution Honors U.S. Marine Corps Captain Samuel Farmer, Marines and Sailors of His Platoon

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Yesterday U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) delivered remarks on the Senate floor recognizing the passage of his resolution honoring the heroism and sacrifice of United States Marine Corps Captain Samuel Farmer of Missouri and the Marines and Sailors he commanded as part of First Platoon, Company G, Second Battalion, First Marine Regiment.

During the height of America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, then-First Lieutenant Farmer and his platoon were stationed at Abbey Gate at Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA) in Kabul, facilitating the evacuation of American citizens, permanent residents, embassy workers, and special immigrant visa holders as the region rapidly fell to the Taliban. On August 26, 2021, an Islamic State terrorist detonated a suicide bomb at Abbey Gate, killing 13 American service members – including nine from Captain Farmer’s platoon – and injuring many more, including Farmer.

“Whatever you think of our withdrawal from Afghanistan, we should be able to honor the men and women who served so bravely – including Sam Farmer and the members of his platoon,” said Senator Hawley. “This young man from Missouri, who represents, frankly, the best of who we are and who we can be. And so, Mr. President, it’s a privilege to get to honor Sam, to congratulate him on his service to our country.”

Click here or above to watch his full remarks.  

Senator Hawley has previously honored fallen Missourians who made the ultimate sacrifice in the war in Afghanistan.
