Following Dr. Mehmet Oz’s confirmation hearing today in the Senate Finance Committee, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) directed a list of written questions to Dr. Oz. Senator Hawley’s request for answers comes after he expressed previous concerns about Dr. Oz’s ability to deliver on President Trump’s agenda, especially regarding transgender and pro-life policies.
Some of Senator Hawley’s questions to Dr. Oz include:
- On your television program, you hosted various transgender advocates as well as a surgeon who performed transgender surgery. You also invited minor children to discuss switching genders and praised parents for helping their children “transition.” Have your views on this issue changed since you hosted your television show?
- In the past, you have said you did not want to “interfere” with doctors prescribing puberty blockers for minor children. Is that still your position?
- In 2019, you opposed state limitations on abortion related to fetal heartbeat by describing the baby’s heartbeat as “little electrical exchanges in the cell that no one would hear or think about as a heart.” Is that still your position?
- When describing a state pro-life law in 2019, you predicted that the state would face a “big sucking sound of businesses leaving.” Can you clarify your comments? As head of CMS, will you allow decisions to be influenced by corporate preferences?
Click here to view the full list of questions.