Hawley Calls Out Democrats who Labeled Republicans Racist for Questioning Nominee Linked to Pro-Hamas Organization

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) called out Democrats in a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for labeling him and other Republican colleagues as racists after questioning judicial nominee Adeel Mangi—who formerly served on the board of a pro-Hamas organization—about his views on terrorism. In December, Senator Hawley questioned this Biden judicial nominee who repeatedly refused to answer whether or not he thought Israel was a “violent, settler, colonial state.”

“I resent the insinuation that those of us who asked him questions are somehow anti-Muslim or prejudiced in some way. […] As someone who has worked across the aisle on any number of pieces of legislation, […] I have to say, it’s hard to do when [Democrats] call us anti-Muslim, racists,” Senator Hawley said.

“I don’t care what his religion is or if he has a religion. I don’t care, but I do care that he was a director of a center that was basically a mouthpiece for Hamas,” he continued. And he said over and over all his concerns were academic. My question is, did he not have concerns about Jewish students?”

Click here or above to watch Senator Hawley’s remarks.

Senator Hawley has consistently fought for Israel’s right to self-defense and Jewish students’ safety across college campuses in America. In October, the Senate passed Senator Hawley’s resolution condemning Hamas and the antisemitic student groups on college campuses that have celebrated the Oct. 7, 2023 terrorist attack against Israel. This came after Democrats initially blocked passage of the resolution. 

Just last week, Senator Hawley spoke with the Orthodox Union National Leadership, advocating for Israel’s right to exist and the safety of Jewish Americans throughout the U.S.
