
Hawley Demands Biden Use Defense Production Act to Save Missouri Aluminum Plant and Union Jobs

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) sent a letter to President Joe Biden, urging him to use the Defense Production Act to prevent the shutdown of Magnitude 7 Metals—an aluminum manufacturer in Marston, Mo., that accounts for nearly 30 percent of the nation’s primary aluminum production. Senator Hawley warned that the closure of Magnitude 7 Metals would deliver a devastating blow to working families in Missouri and undermine U.S. national security. "Magnitude 7...

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Hawley Slams Biden Admin for Prioritizing its Radical, Pro-China Climate Agenda over American Workers

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) called out the Biden Administration over its hyper-fixation on a radical climate agenda that is propping up China's manufacturers on the backs of American workers. During an Energy Committee hearing, Senator Hawley questioned U.S. Department of Energy Deputy Secretary David Turk about the Administration’s policies and advocated for the nation's autoworkers, including those at the General Motors plant in Wentzville, Mo., who fought for fair...

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Senate Passes Hawley Amendment to Budget Bill Blocking Taxpayer Funds to Chinese Corporations

Today the U.S. Senate voted on U.S. Senator Josh Hawley's (R-Mo.) Amendment (No Funding for Chinese Companies), as part of the upper chamber's minibus appropriations bill. Senator Hawley's amendment would prohibit Chinese entities or corporations from receiving any funding provided by the legislation. The amendment passed 61-36. "The appropriations bills that we are now considering appropriating a total of $280 billion taxpayer dollars. [...] This amendment says that none of the...

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Hawley and Braun Demand Biden Implement COVID Origins Act

U.S. Senators Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Mike Braun (R-Ind.) have sent a letter to President Biden demanding he implement the COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023, and declassify and release all information related to the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. "We introduced the COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023 earlier this Congress to hold China accountable for its obfuscation during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic," wrote the Senators. "The American people deserve to know how...

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Hawley Announces Guiding Principles for Future AI Legislation

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) announced his guiding principles for the future of American artificial intelligence (AI) legislation. Senator Hawley's principles seek to protect Americans' privacy as AI continues to develop at a pace that threatens to upend many aspects of American life. "Congress can and should act to protect Americans’ privacy, stave off the harms of unchecked AI development, insulate kids from harmful impacts, and keep this valuable technology out of the hands...

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Hawley to Vote No on Debt Ceiling Deal

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) released the following statement on his intent to vote 'no' on the debt ceiling deal.  "On the debt ceiling, my view is the most important deficit we face is the trade deficit with China. Every dollar represents jobs lost (60k & counting in Missouri), industry lost, communities decimated. We’ve got to quit making China rich & get good blue-collar jobs back in USA. This deal doesn’t do that. So I’m a no," said Senator Hawley. ...

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Hawley Calls for Higher Tariffs on China, Trade Deficit Reduction in Debt Limit Deal

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) introduced the Raising Tariffs on Imports from China Act, new legislation to raise tariffs on imports from China until the United States’ unsustainable bilateral trade deficit comes into balance. Senator Hawley is urging debt limit talks to include reduction of the trade deficit. “Under Joe Biden’s leadership, the Administration has failed to confront the structural deficit that matters most – our trade deficit with...

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Hawley Request to Unanimously Pass Bill to Ban TikTok Blocked on Senate Floor

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) delivered remarks on the Senate floor and called for unanimous consent on his legislation to ban TikTok in the United States, due to its serious threat to national security, rampant data collection on American users, and the application's close connection to the Chinese Communist Party.  "We should act decisively to ban TikTok directly. We shouldn't give new open-ended authority to federal bureaucrats, we should target this threat...

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Hawley Announces First Bill in Worker’s Agenda to Rebuild America: Ending Normal Trade Relations with China Act

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) announced the first piece of legislation in his new Worker’s Agenda to Rebuild America. The Ending Normal Trade Relations with China Act would revoke China's normal trade relations status to reduce our dependency and protect America’s working class. China is America’s greatest adversary. To win the fierce economic competition for jobs, industry, and the future, America must return to the long-standing formula for American success: strong and...

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Hawley COVID Origins Bill Unanimously Passes House, Awaits Biden’s Signature

Today Senator Hawley's COVID Origins Act of 2023 passed unanimously in the House of Representatives. The bill will require the Biden administration to declassify intelligence related to any potential links between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the origins of the Covid pandemic.   "Today the House passed my COVID origins bill with bipartisan support, sending it to the President’s desk,” said Senator Hawley. “This is a great first step in holding China...

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