
Hawley Demands Biden Administration Take Immediate Action on Jana Elementary School Cleanup

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) sent a letter to President Joe Biden slamming the Biden administration for its lack of action on the Jana Elementary School cleanup, expressing his intent to hold all nominees to positions at the Department of Energy until the issue is resolved. "The lack of urgency from your Administration is outrageous. Children and parents in my state have had their lives upended by the closure of this elementary school,"wrote Senator Hawley. "These...

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NEW: Hawley Introduces Bill Requiring Cleanup of Jana Elementary, Testing for Entire Hazelwood School District

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) introduced the Justice for Jana Elementary Act, new legislation that would require the cleanup of Jana Elementary School and order the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to test all Hazelwood School District properties. "Hazardous radioactive contamination has no place in schools,” said Senator Hawley. “Students and parents of Jana Elementary and the Hazelwood School District deserve to know that their schools are safe....

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Hawley Introduces New Legislation to Hold Universities Accountable for Rising Tuition Costs and Student Debt

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) introduced the Make the Universities Pay Act -- new legislation to reform the nation’s higher education financing system and put universities on the hook for the creditworthiness of future student loans and the debt of students who default. College tuition increases consistently outpace the rise of inflation, the nation’s student loan debt balance has skyrocketed to almost $2 trillion, and lackluster student performance calls into...

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Senate Unanimously Approves Hawley & Blunt’s Resolution Congratulating NWMSU Bearcats

Today, U.S. Senators Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) announced that the Senate unanimously approved a resolution honoring the Northwest Missouri State University (NWMSU) men's basketball team for winning the 2022 NCAA Division II (DII) national championship and making history as the first DII men's basketball team to win three consecutive national titles. “Congratulations to all of the players, coaches, staff, and fans on this incredible achievement,”said Blunt. “Thanks to hard...

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ICYMI: Hawley Op-Ed: Parents’ Bill of Rights is needed to combat Left’s indoctrination of students

On Monday, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) published an op-ed on Fox News on his new Parents' Bill of Rights: As just about every parent with school-aged kids knows, the Left is trying to shut parents out of education.   Joe Biden’s Justice Department has tried to turn the FBI into a monitor of school board meetings, with one DOJ official going so far as to draw up lists of federal crimes for which parents could be prosecuted. Failed Virginia gubernatorial...

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Hawley Introduces Parents’ Bill of Rights to Defend Parents’ Role in Education

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley introduced the Parents’ Bill of Rights Act to defend parents’ fundamental rights against efforts to shut them out of their children’s education. Senator Hawley’s bill would empower parents to sue federally-funded schools that do not protect certain basic rights, such as the right to know what their child is being taught and the right to know what outside groups are receiving school contracts. Senator Hawley said, “America has long recognized the...

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Hawley to Protect Parents’ Role in Education With New Parents Bill of Rights

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) announced he will introduce a new Parents Bill of Rights to turn back efforts to shut parents out of their children's education. Senator Hawley's bill will protect the right of parents to know what their children are being taught, who is teaching them, and which organizations are receiving school contracts.   

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Hawley Slams Biden DOJ for FBI Order to Investigate Opposition to CRT at Local School Boards

Today, during Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) grilled Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco over the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) recent memo instructing the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to more closely monitor local school board meetings. Senator Hawley said the administration is attempting to chill the speech of parents concerned about their children and making unprecedented use of the FBI. Senator Hawley said, “All I can say is this is truly...

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Op-Ed: Public schools must shape kids who love America and our founding

Parents know something is wrong. It’s why they are showing up in droves at school-board meetings across the nation. They are sending a message. They don’t want their children taught that the true founding of America came in 1619, or that America is a systemically racist place, or that most Americans are ­oppressors. They don’t want their children taught lies. And they are right. 

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