Jobs and Economy

Hawley Introduces New Legislation to Cap Credit Card Interest Rates and Provide Relief to Working Americans

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) introduced the Capping Credit Card Interest Rates Act, new legislation that would cap credit card interest rates at common sense levels, bringing relief to working people across America. “Americans are being crushed under the weight of record credit card debt—and the biggest banks are just getting richer," said Senator Hawley. "The government was quick to bail out the banks just this spring, but has ignored working people struggling to...

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Hawley Delivers Floor Speech Urging Support for His Amendment to Increase Tariffs on China

This evening U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) delivered remarks ahead of the Senate's vote on his amendment, as part of the debt ceiling deal, to raise tariffs on imports from China until the United States’ unsustainable trade deficit with China comes into balance. "In the last 20 years in the state of Missouri, we have lost 60,000 jobs to the People’s Republic of China—that number nationwide is almost 4 million," said Senator Hawley. "We can talk about budget reforms, and...

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New Hawley Op-Ed on Biden’s Bad Deal for Railworkers

By U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) | Dec. 6, 2022 | Compact Magazine The Book of Deuteronomy instructs, “You shall not oppress a hired worker.” Apparently, no one told President Biden or the rest of the political-industrial complex. Last week, they united to stifle a potential strike by railway workers, the first one in years. It’s too costly for the economy, the DC types moaned, the workers are being unreasonable. Hardly. The rail workers were merely asking for a handful of sick days,...

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Hawley Statement on Biden, Dems Overruling Workers in Rail Negotiations

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) released the following statement on President Biden and Democrats overruling workers in rail negotiations:  “Today the Senate had the chance to stand up for railroad workers who frequently risk their lives and health on the job, just trying to support their families. Instead, the Senate sided with Joe Biden. Workers were asking for a handful of sick days per year. Biden and the Senate said no. I’d like to know how many of the White House staff, and how...

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Senator Hawley Demands Answers on Airlines’ use of Pandemic Funds, Widespread Layoffs from Biden Vaccine Mandate

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) sent a letter to the Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery, Brian D. Miller, and acting Inspector General Richard K. Delmar urging an investigation into the widespread layoffs of airline workers who declined to submit themselves to President Biden’s vaccine mandate and the potential misuse of CARES Act funds by airlines. Senator Hawley writes, “The Congress provided unprecedented funds to airlines and other companies during the COVID-19 pandemic, on...

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Senator Hawley Introduces Parent Tax Credit—Historic Relief for Working Families

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) announced legislation to create the Parent Tax Credit, a historic tax cut to help working parents afford to start a family and raise their children. Through a fully refundable tax credit provided directly through automatic, monthly advances, Senator Hawley’s Parent Tax Credit gives working parents the flexibility they need to make the best choices for raising their families.

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Hawley Calls for Biden to Extend Freeze on Foreign Worker Visas

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) sent a letter to President Joe Biden urging him to extend President Donald Trump’s executive order freezing visas for certain temporary foreign workers, which will expire today, March 31, 2021, unless President Biden acts. Senator Hawley writes that the temporary freeze, issued to protect American workers during the pandemic, should be extended until the unemployment rate has meaningfully declined and the Biden administration has ensured that American workers are fully protected.

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Senator Hawley Announces Blue-Collar Bonus: A Pay Raise for American Workers

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) announced he will introduce new legislation to give blue-collar workers a pay raise. For nearly four decades, workers making below the median wage have experienced stagnant wages, and this past year, the problem has been made worse by unprecedented layoffs, reduced hours, and income disruptions due to the government shutting down the economy over the coronavirus pandemic.

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