National Security

Hawley Introduces Legislation to Prevent Foreign Exploitation of Critical U.S. Educational Investments and Innovation

Senator Hawley said, “Intelligence officials have warned us that the Chinese Communist Party is using student spies to steal our technology and undermine our national security on college campuses. This bill gives the Department of Homeland Security the tools it needs to address this growing threat by increasing counterintelligence vetting for student and academic visas.”

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Following Discussion with FBI Director Wray, Senator Hawley Asks Missouri Universities to Reconsider Their Partnerships with the Chinese Government

In response to yesterday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with FBI Director Chris Wray, Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) today sent letters to the heads of University of Missouri and Webster University, both of which house Confucius Institutes, expressing his concerns about the universities’ Confucius Institutes. This follows comments during the hearing when Director Wray told Senator Hawley that Chinese Confucius Institutes at American universities are a “source of concern” because they allow the Chinese Government to disseminate communist propaganda, encourage censorship, and restrict academic freedom.

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Senator Hawley to Visit U.S.-Mexico Border

“What happens at the border has a tremendous impact on communities in Missouri,” Senator Hawley said. “The nonstop flow of drugs and human trafficking coming into this country is a crisis, plain and simple. I want to learn more about the challenges our agents face, the problems these local communities are dealing with, and how we can figure out a path forward. We are facing a surge at the southern border like we have never seen before, and Congress needs to get off its backside and act.”

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Senator Hawley Takes Steps to Stop Foreign Theft of Sensitive American Research with New Bill, NDAA Amendment

Today Senator Josh Hawley introduced the Protect Our Universities Act of 2019 to safeguard sensitive, national security-related academic research from Chinese, Russian, and Iranian intelligence services. The text will also be submitted as a Senate amendment to the FY 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which is currently going through markups in the House and Senate.

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Sen. Hawley: We Are In A Technological Arms Race With China

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) participated in a panel with U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) as part of the Center for a New American Security’s (CNAS) 2019 National Security Conference. The Senators had a wide-ranging discussion on American foreign policy, endless wars in the Middle East, and the countries that pose the greatest long-term threat to American national security. 

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Three Decades After Tiananmen Square Massacre, Hawley Urges Pressure on China Over Ongoing Sovereignty and Human Rights Violations

“Thirty years after the massacre at Tiananmen Square, the Communist Party of China remains committed to imposing its will not only on the Chinese people, but also on those of its neighbors,” said Senator Hawley. “It has not learned from one of the worst atrocities in its modern history, and today, the United States has an obligation to speak out.”

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Cotton, Hawley, Colleagues Introduce Resolution Marking Iran Deal Withdrawal Anniversary

“The Iran nuclear deal was one of the single worst foreign policy disasters in recent memory. It severely threatened our closest allies and rewarded our worst adversaries by giving them a fast track toward acquiring nuclear weapons. I support the Administration’s maximum pressure campaign to hold Iran accountable for its sponsorship of terrorism, human rights abuses and leading role in the proliferation of chemical weapons.”

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Sen. Hawley Demands More Answers from FBI Director Following McCabe Confirmation of Counterintelligence Investigation against President Trump

Following recent confirmation by former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Deputy Director Andrew McCabe that the agency opened a counterintelligence investigation against the President of the United States, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri sent a second letter to FBI Director Chris Wray demanding more answers regarding the agency’s tactics. 

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