‘Is this a Record that You are Proud of?’: Hawley Lambasts Mayorkas for Americans Killed by Illegal Immigrants

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Today in a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) questioned Department of Homeland Security DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, condemning him for repeatedly lying to Congress and willfully implementing President Biden’s open-border policies that have caused growing numbers of Americans to die at the hands of illegal immigrants. 

“You have lied repeatedly to Congress and to the American people about [Ibarra’s criminal history]. . . . I just want to know, why did you change your story so often?”asked Senator Hawley. . . . “Well, hopefully [Ibarra] will get more of a trial than you got. Otherwise, they’ll be no justice for anyone at all.”

Senator Hawley specifically chronicled the crimes of illegal immigrants Jose Ibarra, who allegedly murdered 22-year-old Laken Riley of Georgia, and Endrina Bracho, who allegedly killed 12-year-old Travis Wolfe of Missouri.

“This is your policy in action, Mr. Secretary: A criminal is permitted into this country on grounds . . . flatly contradictory to the statute. [Ibarra] commits a crime against a child, and then he gets a work permit,” said Senator Hawley. 

Senator Hawley closed by again urging Secretary Mayorkas to resign.

“Mr. Secretary, I know that you think your policies are a success. . . . Maybe they’re working for your political objectives . . . but they’re not working for Laken Riley or Travis Wolfe or the people of my state. . . . What you have done is a travesty, and, sir, it is long past time for you to go,” concluded Senator Hawley.

Click here or on the link above to watch Senator Hawley’s full exchange.
