Senate Passes Hawley Resolution Condemning Antisemitism on College Campuses

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Today the U.S. Senate passed by voice vote U.S. Senator Josh Hawley’s resolution condemning Hamas and the antisemitic student groups on college campuses that have celebrated the Oct. 7 terrorist attack against Israel. The passage of the resolution came after Democrats blocked the measure one week ago.

“Mr. President, one week ago I came to this floor to try and pass this very resolution that condemns the violent, genocidal, antisemitic rhetoric and actions on our college campuses all across this country,” said Senator Hawley. “Sadly, I was blocked by one of my Democrat colleagues. And since then the situation at our universities has only worsened.”

He continued, “That’s why what we’re doing today matters and that’s why I am pleased today, that we are able now finally, to pass this resolution that explicitly names the rhetoric, explicitly calls out the language of pro-violence, pro-genocide, and says that is wrong. […] The answer to that kind of hateful, virulent, dangerous speech, is speech with moral purpose. It is language with moral clarity. It is a moral stand that says no, that is wrong. That’s not us. That is not the United States of America. And that, Mr. President, is what we are doing right here, right now, on this floor today.”

Watch his full remarks here or below.

Last week, Senator Hawley urged the Department of Justice to investigate pro-Palestinian student groups’ potential ties to Hamas after they publicly gathered to celebrate the terrorist groups’ genocidal war against Israel. Additionally, he called on the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to address “terror-linked aliens” at the southern border, and urged DHS to fire an employee with antisemitic social media posts in support of Hamas.
