Senator Hawley Calls on Hong Kong Chief Executive to Resign in Response to “Police State” Criticism

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

During his fact-finding visit to Hong Kong, United States Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) said Hong Kong was in “danger of sliding towards a police state.” Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam then held a press conference where she called Senator Hawley’s remarks “irresponsible and unfounded.”

Last night Senator Hawley responded to Lam, saying, “I chose the words ‘police state’ purposely – because that is exactly what Hong Kong is becoming. I saw it myself. If Carrie Lam wants to demonstrate otherwise, here’s an idea: resign.”


  • Carrie Lam’s police force has fired live ammunition directly at demonstrators.
  • Carrie Lam’s police force has imposed a de facto curfew on Hong Kong by closing the subway early.
  • Carrie Lam’s police force has engaged in beatings, arbitrary arrests, and has shown a “thirst for retaliation” against protestors.
  • Carrie Lam’s popularity is “near record lows.”
  • To see more from Senator Hawley’s visit to Hong Kong and his experience during the protests, click here.