Senator Hawley Congratulates Taiwan President Tsai on her Reelection

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Today, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) sent a letter to President Tsai Ing-wen to congratulate her on her landslide reelection and to express his support for Taiwan in our shared fight against Chinese imperialism.

Senator Hawley wrote, “The Taiwan Relations Act of 1979 articulates the United States’ commitment to promoting commercial and cultural ties with the people of Taiwan. It likewise enshrines our nation’s commitment to guaranteeing Taiwan’s ability to protect itself from attempts by the Chinese Communist Party to impose its will upon Taiwan. I believe firmly in the principles espoused in that document, and I strongly support Taiwan’s efforts to promote freedom, democracy, and human rights, both at home and abroad.”

The letter is available here and below.

January 15, 2020

President Tsai Ing-wen
c/o Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office
4201 Wisconsin Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20016

Dear President Tsai,

I write to congratulate you on your reelection as President of Taiwan. Your administration has been a strong and reliable partner in advancing our societies’ shared values and interests throughout the Indo-Pacific. I am eager to build on that partnership in the coming years.

The Taiwan Relations Act of 1979 articulates the United States’ commitment to promoting commercial and cultural ties with the people of Taiwan. It likewise enshrines our nation’s commitment to guaranteeing Taiwan’s ability to protect itself from attempts by the Chinese Communist Party to impose its will upon Taiwan. I believe firmly in the principles espoused in that document, and I strongly support Taiwan’s efforts to promote freedom, democracy, and human rights, both at home and abroad.

To that effect, I look forward to working closely with your administration to advance our shared vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific. I will continue to advocate for high-level visits between U.S. and Taiwanese officials, as well as Taiwan’s participation in the United Nations and other international bodies. Likewise, I will continue to support Taiwan’s efforts to protect itself, especially through its implementation of the New Southbound Policy and the Overall Defense Concept. Finally, I am committed to strengthening U.S.-Taiwanese commercial ties and finding new opportunities both for technological cooperation and for ensuring that critical technologies are kept safe from those who would use them to punish our societies.

Congratulations once more on your reelection. I am confident that your next term will bring only new heights in the U.S.-Taiwanese relationship.


Josh Hawley
United States Senator
