Three Decades After Tiananmen Square Massacre, Hawley Urges Pressure on China Over Ongoing Sovereignty and Human Rights Violations

Tuesday, June 04, 2019

On the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square tragedy, when peaceful protesters were mowed down and killed in the public eye by the Chinese government, Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) is urging his colleagues and the administration to keep up the pressure on the Communist Party of China for its ongoing human rights and sovereignty violations.

Senator Hawley is taking two steps to highlight the Chinese government’s brazen disregard for peace and freedom in the region today, including the introduction of a resolution that reiterates the United States’ support of Taiwan against aggression from China and a letter to the administration expressing deep concern over recent reports outlining the Chinese government’s facilitation of the trafficking of North Korean women and children.

“Thirty years after the massacre at Tiananmen Square, the Communist Party of China remains committed to imposing its will not only on the Chinese people, but also on those of its neighbors,” said Senator Hawley. “It has not learned from one of the worst atrocities in its modern history, and today, the United States has an obligation to speak out.”


Senator Hawley’s resolution, introduced with Senator Cotton, supporting measures taken by the Government of Taiwan to deter, or if so compelled, defeat, aggression by the Government of the People’s Republic of China:

  • Reaffirms and encourages US-Taiwan relations;
  • Condemns threats by the Chinese government against Taiwan;
  • Urges Taiwan to continue to develop a lethal and resilient defensive posture in accordance with its new Overall Defense Concept; and
  • Calls on the governments of all nations to support a strong and democratic Taiwan in furtherance of the security and stability of the Indo-Pacific region.

Senator Hawley’s letter — cosigned by Senators Cruz, Rubio, and Blackburn to Secretaries Pompeo, Mnuchin, and Ross — outlining human rights violations stemming from the Chinese government’s role in abetting the trafficking of North Korean women and children:

  • Urges the US to raise reports of China’s failure to properly address human trafficking and rampant human rights violations when engaging with senior Chinese government officials;
  • Proposes the consideration of punitive measures, including sanctions, against officials and entities connected to the trafficking of North Korean women and children;
  • Calls on the administration to elevate these concerns with our allies and work with them to develop multilateral efforts to combat these cruel human rights violations; and
  • Requests a briefing on China and North Korea’s ongoing role in this crisis.